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Book of Proceedings available

Proceeding part 1

Proceedings part 2


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The fifth International Conference on Smart Applications and Data Analysis for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (SADASC’24)


Co-organized by CCPS laboratory and Hassan II University of Casablanca

will be held during April 18-19, 2024 in Tangier, Morocco. SADASC’24 will bring together researchers and industry professionals contributing towards different phases of designing, exploiting and maintaining Smart Cyber Physical Systems and their Applications. These phases include requirements engineering, data acquisition/cleaning, storage, deployment, exploitation, and visualization. Designing these systems also has to consider issues such as ethics, security and privacy. CCPS’2024 follows the success of the Agadir (2016) , Casablanca (2018) , Marakech (2020) and Marakech (2022)




All accepted papers will be published in CCIS, Springer and indexed in Scopus.

Extended versions of selected papers are considered for publication in international journals indexed Scopus, MDLP, Elsevier, EI..(Special issues & regular)

Progress in Artificial Intelligence

Prospective authors are invited to submit original research papers; which are NOT submitted or published or under consideration anywhere in other conferences or journals. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Track 1: Designing and modeling Smart Applications and Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Development lifecycle management
  • Eco-systems Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Simulation of Applications and Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Requirement Engineering for applications and cyber-physical systems
  • Multi-paradigm modeling and methodologies in cyber physical systems
  • Software Engineering for cyber-physical systems
  • Stakeholders, barriers and requirements for cyber-physical systems
  • Human in the loop in cyber-physical systems
  • Control and Optimization for cyber-physical systems
  • Dependability in cyber-physical systems (real-time, reliability, availability, safety, security)
Track 2: Network technologies & IOT
  • New platforms and hardware designs for networked sensor systems
  • Systems software, including operating systems and network stacks
  • Low power operation, energy harvesting, and energy management
  • New communication paradigms for ubiquitous connectivity
  • Mobile and pervasive systems, including personal wearable devices, drones and robots
  • Sensing, actuation, and control
  • Heterogeneous collaborative sensing
  • Fault-tolerance, reliability, and verification
  • 5G wireless
  • Routing, scheduling, resource allocation, spectrum sharing
  • Network optimization and learning
  • Sensor-oriented data modeling
  • Network protocols, coverage, connectivity, and longevity
  • Simulation tools and environments
  • In-network processing and aggregation
  • Foundations of sensor networks
  • Vehicular Communication Design
Track 3: Data management
  • Data acquisition, storage and infrastructures
  • Data conversion and data supervision
  • Heterogeneity of Devices for Data Collection
  • Big Data
  • Parallel Databases/NoSQL solutions/in-memory databases and graphs databases
  • Data Integration, cleaning, transforming and fusing
  • Data compression and summarization
  • Data quality, veracity and uncertainty
  • Data Lakes and data warehouses
  • Data Heterogeneity Management
  • Ontologies
  • Data Collection Workflows
  • Meta-data
  • Value Capturing
  • Norms and Standards
  • Cloud/Cluster/Distributed computing for data management
  • Main Memory Databases
  • Indexing
  • Data partitioning/Allocation/Load Balancing
  • Value Capturing
  • Norms and Standards
  • Data Compression/Summarization
  • Cloud/Cluster Computing
  • Main Memory Databases
  • Indexing
  • Co-processing of data (CPU, GPU, FPGA, etc.)
  • Polystore Deployment
  • Data partitioning/Allocation/Load Balancing
  • Data algorithms and data structures on modern hardware
  • Hardware systems for query processing
  • Benchmarks
Track 4: Exploitation and Exploration
  • Programming Models/Environments for Cluster/Cloud Computing
  • Parallel Databases/NoSQL solutions/in-memory databases
  • Open Sources for data management
  • Data Analysis/Visualization
  • Non-functional Requirement Satisfaction (ethics, pricing, legal, cultural, and economic principles and regulations)
  • Green Computing
  • Recommendation Systems
  • Security, privacy and trust
  • Blockchains
  • Prediction Modeling
  • Machine Learning/Deep Learning
  • Exploratory Data Analysis
  • Economical Models for Smart applications/systems
Track 5: Green Communications, Computing and Technologies
  • Green and sustainable computing
  • Energy-efficient computing and supercomputing
  • Intelligent signal processing for green communications
  • Green cloud computing and IoT
  • Energy harvesting and energy efficiency in communications
  • Green vehicles, homes, buildings and industries
  • Green data storage
  • Privacy, safety, and security in green-aware systems
Track 6: Control, dynamic systems and optimisation
  • Adaptive control
  • Control in healthcare
  • Linear and non-linear Dynamical systems
  • Dynamic systems with delay
  • Distributed non-linear systems
  • Numerical methods
  • Linear and non-linear programming
Track 7: Case studies
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Industry 4.0 (system intercconection, information transparency, technical assistance)
  • Cognitive computing in real-applications: education, healthcare, etc.
  • Smart farming
  • Agricultural intelligence
  • Market intelligence


Richard Béarée

Professor of Control and Robotics of the graduate school of engineering Arts et Metiers institute of technology (ENSAM) in Lille, France

Richard Béarée is Professor of Control and Robotics of the graduate school of engineering Arts et Metiers institute of technology (ENSAM) in Lille, France. He received his M. Eng. degree in mechanical engineering from Lille University in 2001 and the M.S. degree in automatic control in 2002. He obtained a Ph.D. degree in automatic control from ENSAM in 2005 and the accreditation to supervise research (HDR) in 2015. Prof. Béarée is the Head of the LISPEN laboratory since 2021. He is also director of the specialized mastere program COLROBOT “expert in collaborative robotics”. He is senior member of IEEE and serves on the Editorial Boards of ELSEVIER/IFAC Control Engineering Practice journal and of ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control since 2018. His research interests include path and trajectory planning for robotics applications, trajectory shaping for vibration reduction and Human Robot Interaction.

Sebastián Ventura

University of Córdoba, Spain

Sebastian Ventura received the B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in sciences from the University of Cordoba in 1989 and 1996, respectively. He currently serves as a Full Professor in Computing Sciences and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Cordoba, where he also heads the "Knowledge Discovery and Intelligent Systems" Research Laboratory. Regarding his scientific production, Prof. Ventura has authored or co-authored more than 200 international publications, edited several special issues in scientific journals and scientific books and, recently, has also co-authored three books in different areas of machine learning and data mining. He has also worked in several research projects supported by several Andalusian and Spanish agencies and by the European Union. His research interests include machine learning, data mining, computational intelligence, and its applications, with an emphasis in educational, clinical and industrial (including Internet of Things) problems.

Mourad Oussalah

University of Oulu, Finland

Dr. Mourad Oussalah is a Research Professor in University of Oulu, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Centre for Machine Vision and Signal Analysis, where he leads the Social Mining Research Group. He is also affiliated with Medical Imaging, Physics and Technology Unit of the Faculty of Medicine as part of Academy of Finland DigiHealth Project. Prior joining University of Oulu, he was with the University of Birmingham, UK from 2003-2016. He also held research positions at City University of London, KU Leuven in Belgium, and Visiting Professor positions at New Mexico University, Xian University and Orleans University. Dr. Oussalah research has concentrated mainly on text mining, data fusion, and uncertainty handling where he published more than 250 international publications and supervised a dozen of PhD students and more than 40 Msc students, provided more than 20 keynote talks at international conferences and served as PC members of more than 60 international conferences. He is a Fellow of Royal Statistical Society and Senior member of IEEE and acted as executive of IEEE SMC UK & Ireland Chapter from 2002 till 2016. Dr. Oussalah is also leading and participating into several EU projects including DiGEMERGE (Chanse programme) on Emergency Digital Communication, YoungRes (#823701) (2019-2021) on Youth polarization, WaterLine (2021-2024) on Soil Moixture Analysis, Cutler (#770469) on Coastal Urban development, IPaWa (2019-2022) on smart parking, CBC Karelia (Finland-Russia) on IoT Business Creation (2018-2020), Grage –Marie Skłodowska-Curie action (ID:645706) (2016-2018) on active ageing and elderly living in urban settings, COST Action on Linked Data. Academy of Finland DigiHealth (2020-2024). He also secured funding from several foundations (e.g., Finnish Cancer Research, Nokia, Nuffield and Kone foundations,).

Workshop Speakers

Mourad Bouneffa

Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, Dunkerque, France

Abstract : Industry 4.0 offers an opportunity for implementing industrial processes based on the use of innovative hardware and software technologies such as Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), machine learning, and robotics. Issues related to risk and anomaly prediction, optimized energy and raw material consumption, additive and agile manufacturing are privileged fields of application for predictive model construction approaches governing the various processes in this industry. The effective adoption of these processes depends on the provision of acceptable and convincing explanations of their decisions for the different stakeholders in this industry, including decision-makers and domain experts. This workshop aims to present works dealing with the development of approaches, techniques, and tools related to the explainability of predictive AI processes in the context of Industry 4.0. These works will include the following topics:

Denis Hamad

Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, Dunkerque, France

Abstract : Deep learning is undergoing rapid development thanks to the increasing power of computing resources and the design of new neural network architectures. These architectures are being applied with success across various fields. Data, originating from diverse fields, is abundant, heterogeneous and often unlabeled. Consequently, a plethora of learning algorithms has been devised to cater to different data types. Conventional clustering algorithms have shown their limitations as they are directly applied to raw data, or even with a "shallow" transformation. Unlike classical approaches, deep clustering architectures are specifically adapted to capture the complex structures present in data. This is due to their ability to merge the fundamental concepts of clustering with the capacity of deep neural networks to discover underlying structures and produce efficient class representations. The tutorial presents our contribution to the deep clustering of attributed graphs data based on Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs). Initially formulated within the semi-supervised context, we have adapted it for unsupervised context. To achieve this, we have devised a novel learning framework that hinges on three complementary loss functions. The first uses node attributes by adapting a kernel k-means loss function. The second uses connectivity information between the nodes in the graph. The third uses graph reconstruction from the network output. Furthermore, unlike most algorithms which assume that the graph is initially given, we propose a new structure by adaptively merging two graphs: the graph associated with the original features of the data and the generated graph associated with the deep representations of the nodes. Experimental results obtained on literature databases show that the proposed learning framework significantly improves clustering performance, compared with state-of-the-art approaches.

Moncef Garouani

Université Toulouse Capitole, France

Abstract : Machine learning (ML) has penetrated all aspects of the modern life, and brought more convenience and satisfaction for variables of interest. However, building such solutions is a time consuming and challenging process that requires highly technical expertise. This certainly engages many more people, not necessarily experts, to perform analytics tasks. While the selection and the parametrization of ML models require tedious episodes of trial and error. Additionally, domain experts often lack the expertise to apply advanced analytics. Consequently, it necessitates frequent consultations with data scientists; nevertheless, such collaborations tend to cost the delays, which can lead to risks such as human-resource bottlenecks. As the complexity of these tasks increases, so does the demand for support solutions. In response, the field of automated ML (AutoML) is a data mining-based formalism that aims to reduce human effort and speedup the development cycle through automation. It can be applied to create pipelines of traditional ML models and ensembles, or to search for neural network architectures (NAS). In this regard, existing approaches include Bayesian optimization, evolutionary algorithms as well as reinforcement learning. These approaches have focused on providing user assistance by automating parts or the entire data analysis process, but without being concerned on its impact on the analysis. The goal has generally been focused on the performance factors, thus leaving aside other important and even crucial aspects such as computational complexity, confidence and transparency. In the talk we will present an overview of the main components of AutoML, the search spaces representing ML models, the search strategies, and the Explainability of automated AI.

Franck Dufrenois

LISIC- IMAP team Université du Littoral Cote d'Opale

Abstract : (kernel) Fisher Discriminant Analysis
Fisher Discriminant Analysis (FDA) and its kernel version, Kernel FDA, are common supervised learning methods for dimensionality reduction and class separation. The objective of this tutorial is to introduce you and expand your knowledge of this technique. First, I will recall the notions of projection and reconstruction. Then, I will present the main ingredients of FDA : the betweenclass, the within-class and total scatter matrices. Next, I will introduce the FDA’s principle and the corresponding optimization problem to solve it. The dimensionality of the projective subspace will also be discussed. I will also discuss on the main drawback of FDA, i.e the possible singularity of the scatter and how to prevent from it. FDA is based on the assumption that data are linearly separable. In a second part, I will present how the « kernel trick » allowed to generalize LDA to nonlinear data sets. We will see how the FDA criterion is formulated and solved in this case. Some computational aspects and memory constraints will be also covered. Finally, I will end the talk by some simulations on different datasets.

Octavian Curea

ESTIA, Bidart, France

Abstract: The utilization of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in building energy management increase the energy efficiency and sustainability in our working or living spaces. These technologies have brought advancements in how we monitor, control, and optimize the energy consumption. Cyber-Physical Systems are the core of this transformation, integrating computational, communication, and control components into physical systems, creating interconnected environments. In the context of buildings, CPS allows real-time data collection from sensors distributed throughout the structure and the control of the demand. The data provided by the sensors includes temperature, light, air quality, occupancy, energy consumption and production of the distributed energy sources as PV or small WT. Artificial Intelligence plays an important role in analyzing the available data to optimize energy management. Machine learning algorithms are employed to forecast energy demand, identify potential wastage, and suggest real-time adjustments to save energy. Some of the benefits of the integration of Cyber-Physical Systems and Artificial Intelligence in building energy management are the improvement of the occupants’ comfort, the reduction of the energy costs and carbon footprint, the promotion of the sustainability.

Mohammed Ramdani

Faculty of Science and Techniques of Mohammedia, University Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco

Mostafa Bellafkih

Institut National des Postes et Télécommunications | INPT, Rabat, Morocco


Noura Yousfi

Laboratoire d’Analyse, Modélisation et Simulation Département de Mathématiques et d’Informatique Faculté des Sciences Ben M'Sick, University Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco

Abstract: Optimization in computing science
Optimize and optimization are derived from Latin Optimus, which means 'best'. The term to optimize was used in the mid-19th century with the meaning of making the best or the most of something. In the 21st century, it has been extensively utilized in technical fields, such as economics, calculus, mathematics, engineering, neuronal networks, and so forth. Optimization is a fundamental concept in the field of computing science. Its primary objective is to make the system's efficiency while using limited resources. It can occur at several levels : In optimization problems, scheduling and transportation are two application cases that are often encountered; Optimization algorithms aim to find the best solution that minimizes or maximizes a particular objective function; The application program developers is to design their programs in such a way that they make the most use of limited and expensive resources; Also using programming languages, which are algebraic modeling languages makes coding easier and shorter. Many tasks learning can be formulated as optimization problems, and these can be improved by modern algorithms. Gradient descent and stochastic gradient descent are by far the most popular differential optimization strategy used in machine learning and deep learning. It is used when training data models, can be combined with every algorithm and is easy to understand and implement. On the other hand, gradient-free optimization methods are increasingly successful in many fields of engineering or medicine where the functions to be optimized are black box type, very expensive to evaluate, and defined on discrete/continuous mixed spaces. The purpose of this tutorial is to provide a brief overview of the gradient descent algorithm, its current usage, and its advantages and disadvantages. In addition, it presents the most prominent gradient-free optimization methods that have been developed in recent years, particularly in genetic algorithms.

Mohamed Youssfi

Professor Researcher in Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, ENSET, Hassan II University

Abstract: Mohamed Youssfi received his PhD (Doctorat de 3ème cycle ) from The Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco in 1996 in Computer Science and his PhD ( Doctorat d’Etat ) from The Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco in 2015 in Parallel and Distributed Systems. He has served as Professor Researcher in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, ENSET, Hassan II University of Casablanca since 1996. His scientific publications are focused in Computational Intelligence, Parallel and Distributed Systems, Multi Agent Systems, Web Semantic, High Performance Computing, Big data, and Distributed Artificial Intelligence. He has (co)authored more than 100 scientific research articles in indexed journals, refereed conferences, edited volumes and books.

Gilles Régnier

PIMM Laboratory, Arts et Métiers, CNRS, CNAM, France. Arts et Métiers Rabat campus

The computational costs of injection molding simulations have been increasing in the past years due to the higher complexity of the embedded models. This is especially problematic in case of using such simulation models for optimization routines or sensitivity analyses. One way to overcome this challenge is by having a surrogate model, also known as a metamodel, of these high-fidelity simulations, which provides a cheaper way to perform these types of analyses. These surrogate models can play an important role in the case of the injection molding of semi-crystalline polymers to model the flow-induced crystallization process. To date, most commercial software do not explicitly take polymer crystallization into account leading to various errors in the fill predictions as well as the calculation of warpage and shrinkage. This is mainly due to the common complexity of the models used to describe crystallization and the challenging respective model parameter identification process under injection molding conditions. To close this gap, in this thesis, the feasibility of using surrogate modeling to identify modeling parameters is first studied. This is then followed by the implementation of a thermo-mechanical crystallization model in order to describe the flow-induced and quiescent crystallization of a semi-crystalline thermoplastic material a during injection molding. The crystallization model is defined alongside crystallization-dependent viscosity, PVT and solidification models in the commercial software Autodesk Moldflow Insight 2021 using the Solver API feature. The model parameters are identified using a calibration scheme that employs three surrogate models representing the simulated pressure results to perform a multi-objective optimization. The fill predictions as well as the calculated pressure fields are presented using the calibrated model parameters in comparison to those measured during the actual injection molding of a polyoxymethylene part with different process conditions. The results show major improvements in the predictions of the pressure signals as well as the filling status of the produced parts and the estimated skin layer thicknesses formed under high-shear conditions. Additionally, the calibrated models are tested using various mold geometries to assess the calibrated models' performance.


Honorary Cochairs Program Cochairs General Cochair
Housseine Azeddoug

President of Hassan II university

Abdelmajid Badri

Director of ENSAM Casablanca

Fadi Dornaika

University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, San Sebastian, Spain

Mohamed Hamlich

ENSAM, Hassan II University, Morocco.

Carlos Ordonez

University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA.

Ladjel Bellatreche

National Engineering School for Mechanics and Aerotechnics (ENSMA), Poitiers, France.

Hicham Moutachaouik

ENSAM, Hassan II University, Morocco

Program Committee
  • Ahmed Nait Sidi Moh
    University of Picardie Jules Verne, INSSET, France
  • Ali Siadat
    ENSAM METZ, France
  • Al-Sarem Mohamed
    University Taibah-Medina, KSA
  • Ana Aguilar
    University of Porto, School of Engineering, Portugal
  • Carlos Garcia
    University of Cordoba, Spain
  • Carrillo De Gea Juan Manuel
    University of Murcia-Murcia, Spain
  • Denis Hamad
    LISIC – ULCO, France
  • Fernandez Joao
    University of Minho-Braga, Portugal
  • Franck Dufrenois
    University of Littoral Côte d'Opale, France
  • Jaafar Gaber
    UTBM, France
  • Jorge Marx Gomez
    Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg Fakultät II, Germany
  • Rafael Pla Lopez
    Valencia University, Spain
  • Dominique Sauter
    University of Lorraine, France
  • Moncef Garouani
    Faculté d'informatique, Université de Toulouse Capitole, France
  • Adel Olabi
    ENSAM Lille, France
  • Mourad Oussalah
    University of Oulu, Finland
  • Gilles Regnier
    ENSAM Paris, France
  • Simão Melo de Sousa
    University of Beira Interior, Portugal
  • Paulo Veira
    University of Beira Interior, Portugal
  • Krishna Reddy
    IIIT Hyderabad, India
  • Philippe Fournier-Viger
    Harbin Institute of Technology, China
  • Monir Azmani
    FST Tangier, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tangier
  • Lazhar Homri
    Arts et Métiers Paristech, France
  • Mourad Bouneffa
    EIL, France
  • Mohammed Ramdani
    FSTM, Hassan II University, Morocco
  • Djamal Benslimane
    LIRIS, University Lyon 1, France
  • Yassine Ouhammou
    LIAS, ISAE-ENSMA, Poitiers, France
  • Kamel Boukhalfa
    USTHB, Algiers, Algeria
  • Amin Beheshti
    Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
  • Wookey Lee
    Inha University, Korea
  • Benaoumeur Senouci
    ECE, Paris, France
  • Soumia Benkrid
    National Computer science Engineering School, Algeria
  • Mostafa Bellafkih
    INPT, Mohammed V University, Morocco
  • Karim Baina
    ENSIAS, Mohammed V University, Morocco
  • Alias B. Abdul Rahman
    UTM, Malaysia
  • Alfredo Cuzzocrea
    University of Calabria, Italy
  • Aurelio Ravarini
    LIUC, Carlo Cattaneo University, Italy
  • Abderrahim Ait Wakrime
    FSR, Mohamed V University, Rabat, Morocco
  • Mohammed Mestari
    FST, Mohammedia
  • Aziz El Fazziki
    Université Caddi Ayyad, Morocco
  • Ahmed Rebbani
    ENSET Mohammadia, Morocco
  • Faouzia Benabbou
    Science Faculty of Ben M'Sik, Morocco
  • Aitelmahjoub Abdelhafid
    ENSAM Casablanca, Morocco
    Mustapha Ahlaqqach
    ESITH, Casablanca, Morocco
    Atman Jbari
    ENSAM, Rabat, Morocco
    Said Broumi
    FSBM, UH2C, Morocco
    Mohamed Tabaa
    LPRI, EMSI, Morocco
  • Alexandra Mendes
    University of Beira Interior, Portugal
  • Antonio Caselles Moncho
    Valencia university, Spain
  • Athman Bouguettaya
    Faculty of Engineering and IT, University of Sydney, Australia
  • José Maria
    University of Jaén, Spain
  • Ismail Khalil
    Institute of Telecooperation Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
  • Ismail Rakip Karas
    Karabuk University, Faculty of Engineering, Karabük, Turkey
  • Keiki Takadama
    UEC TOKYO, Japan
  • Frédéric Kratz
    INSA Centre Val de Loire-Bourges, France
  • Ladjel Bellatreche
  • Mustapha Nour EL Fath
    University Laval-Laval, Canada
  • Oscar Reyes
    University of Cordoba, Spain
  • Sebastian Ventura
    University of Cordoba, Spain
  • Pascal Lorenz
    University of Haute Alsace, France
  • Ahmed Nait-Sidi-Moh
    University of Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV), France
  • Rui Pereira
    University of Beira Interior, Portugal
  • Saneep Pirbhulal
    University of Beira Interior, Portugal
  • Uday Kiran
    University of Tokyo, Japan
  • K.s. Rajan
    IIIT Hyderabad, India
  • Samant Saurabh
    Indian Institute of Management, Bodh Gaya, India
  • Robert Wrembel
    Poznan University of Technology, Poland
  • Samir Ouchani
    CESI, Aix-en-Provence, France
  • Wojciech Macyna
    Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland
  • Carlos Garcia-Alvarado
    Autonomic Inc. San Francisco, USA
  • Mirjana Ivanovic
    University of Novi Sad, Serbia
  • Imane Hilal
    ESI, Mohamed V University, Rabat, Morocco
  • Sadok Ben Yahia
    FST, Tunisia
  • Abdelkrim Bekkhoucha
    FSTM, Mohammed V University, Morocco
  • Abderrazak Bannari
    Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain
  • Habib Kamoun
    FSS, University of Sfax, Tunisia
  • Chourouk Belheouan
    LIAS/Poitiers University, France
  • Mohamed Youssfi
  • Mohamed Kissi
  • Mohamed Azouazi
    FSBM, Casablanca
  • idir Amarouche
    USTHB, Algeria
  • Ibrahim Dellal
  • Ardin Djalali
    Graduate School of Leadership and Management of Steinbeis university, Germany
  • Mourad Zegrari
    ENSAM Casablanca, Morocco
    Jamal Benhra
    ENSEM, Casablanca, Morocco
    Hassna Bensag
    LPRI, EMSI, Morocco
    Richard Béarée
    ENSAM, Lille, France
    Sebastián Ventura
    University of Córdoba, Spain
    Loubna El Faquih
    ENSAM, UH2C, Morocco
    Ayoub Bahnasse
    ENSAM, UH2C, Morocco
    Abdellah Azmani
    FST, Tangier, Morocco
    Mostafa Baghouri
    ENSAM, UH2C, Morocco
    Said Bounouar
    ENSAM, UH2C, Morocco
    Ilias Ouachtouk
    ENSAM, UH2C, Morocco
Local Organizing Committee
Juniors Seniors
Chaimaa Akrane

ENSAM, UH2C, Casablanca

Manal Ayad

LCFC, ENSAM Metz, France

Hibat Allah Babty

Arts et Métiers ParisTech, Paris, France

Loubna Bouhsaien

FST Tangier, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tangier

Ikhlass Boukrouh

FST Tangier, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tangier

Marouane Chriss

ENSAM, UH2C, Casablanca

Ouafae El Bouhadi

FST Tangier, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tangier

Khadija El Moukhtafi

ENSAM, UH2C, Casablanca

Abdelwahed El Moutawakil

ENSAM, UH2C, Casablanca

Elias Hamlich

ENSAM,UH2C, Casablanca

Soulaimane Idiri

FST Tangier, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tangier

Lachheb Ayoub

ENSAM, UH2C, Casablanca

Lazraq Zakaria

ENSAM, UH2C, Casablanca

Ibtissam Youb

ENSAM, UH2C, Casablanca

Mohamed Hamlich

ENSAM, UH2C, Casablanca

Yassine Benslimane

ENS, UH2C, Casablanca

Nadia Machkour

ENSAM, Casablanca

Mourad Zegrari

ENSAM, Casablanca

Abdelhafid Aitelmahjoub

ENSAM, UH2C, Casablanca

Radouane Majdoul

ENSAM, UH2C, Casablanca

Nabila Rabbah

ENSAM, UH2C,Casablanca

Mohamed Ennaji

ENSAM, UH2C, Casablanca

Abdelmajid Abourriche

ENSAM, UH2C, Casablanca

Hicham Moutachaouik

ENSAM, UH2C, Casablanca

Mohamed Moutchou

ENSAM, Casablanca

Mohamed Ramdani

FST, UH2C, Mohammedia

Souad Tayane

ENSAM, UH2C, Casablanca

Aziz El Afia

ENSAM, UH2C, Casablanca

Abdelwahed Touati

ENSAM, UH2C, Casablanca





